Join us for a night of fun! AT THE FRATERNITY CLUB every THIRD THURSDAY (check our event dates or the club website to be sure) And please Note that we are also at ALBION PARK BOWLING CLUB every FIRST THURSDAY!
WE HAVE THEMES FOR EACH MONTH And Ther are often BEST DRESSED PRIZES as well as the usual Lucky Door Prizes @)@% Themes ARE........
- JAN - AUSSIE! Wear something Aussie themed or maybe green n Gold? - FEB - LOVE IS IN THE AIR! Pink or Red? or Love themed? - MAR - HARMONY DAY THEME! Wear something orange or Peace themed. - APR - EASTER! Lets see those Easter Hats? - MAY - WESTERN! Get those boots and Hats out! - JUNE - ROYAL! Its the Kings birthday this month so lets get Royal! - JULY - CHRISTMAS IN JULY! Dig out those decorations for a mid year celebration! - AUG - FOOTY! Its Footy season in full swing Don your fav Team colours to show your support! - SEP - GLITTER & DISCO! Think 70's to 00's Disco theme. Glitter/Sequins/bright, Its your time to shine! - OCT - HALLOWEEN! Get Spooky! - NOV - 80's/RETRO! All things 80's, Think Glow & Big hair! - DEC - CHRISTMAS! Join us for our annual Christmas party! Bring your friends and lets dress up and celebrate the Festive Season together .
Entry is $10 at the door and Carers are FREE! or You can also buy tickets online (for The Frat only) on The Fraternity Club website. (Don't forget to add a free carers ticket there too!!
See you All On The DANCEFLOOR!!!....... x
NOTE: Venue is subject to change so please check back at or The Fraternity Club Website