Re-ignite your social life, find new friends, create your tribe in Wollongong. Here is how (plus you’ll get fitter too)

We all want to feel connected, we all want to belong, we all want a sense of community.

We all NEED connection to thrive in life. Fact. We are social creatures. Even introverts have social connection needs.

Yet our busy lives, technology and the hangover of the C word (Covid, we mean Covid!), have all disrupted how and where we find our tribe. Making new friends has actually become harder.

That is why we are LOVING what one organisation has ignited in Wollongong (they did it in Sydney first, it worked so well they’ve brought it to The Gong!)

If you want to:

  • make new mates
  • have more social opportunities to get out and about
  • feel a sense of belonging in the Gong
  • and even get a bit fitter, then let us introduce you to….

URBAN REC! Wollongong’s Social Club. They find you a fun sporting team of like minded locals, who you can have fun times with on and off the pitch.

Wollongong Social Sports Club – they find you a team!

And here is why Wollongong social sport is GREAT! Even if you are time poor, you’ll achieve fitness and fun in one hit. Plus you’ll make friends in a non awkward way!

So, it’s non competitive sport (onus is on FUN and team stuff). You can join as an individual (although teams can register too) and choose from 8 different types of sports. All levels and abilities are welcome at Urban Rec Wollongong. With indoor or outdoor venues and traditional or non-traditional sports, there is truly something for everyone!

Join the many hundreds of friendly locals who have chosen from:

  9. And guess what else? Their WINTER Indoor Sports Leagues are now open for individual and team registration HERE!

We are also digging the GM of Urban Rec Wollongong. Hello Lindsay Malony!

Lindsay is a Certified Athletic Trainer and Sports Trainer and is a super warm lovely human who is an amazing connector, organiser and friendship generator. Her passion for sport is complimented by her passion to make her community a happier, more connected place to be.

We strongly advise you drop her a line. She’ll advise what and how and hook you up with some like minded locals for an evening of sports and socialising once a week. Tell her What’s On In Wollongong sent you, she will be delighted to hear from you! Email her at [email protected] or sms / call Lindsay 0422 425 459.

Or, you can register online too, click here to register your interest as an individual player or click here to register your interest as a team ????

With our genuine thanks to Lindsay Malony and Urban Rec Wollongong for sponsoring this article. AND all they do to connect, enliven and make our community a happier, fitter, healthier place to be. Rock on Urban Rec!